8 Myths About Getting Your Colors Done

May 12, 2021 4 min read

Indigo Tones Personal Color Analysis Blog 8 Myths about Getting Your Colors Done

1. I know what color looks good on me

Most people know at least one or two colors that look good on them.  But they don't realize how many more colors or variations of the color could also work. A personal color analysis consultation also provides strategies for how to combine colors, how to incorporate individual preferences and styles and what colors to avoid. 

"Thank you so much, I had a blast! This completely changed the way I look at clothing and jewelry and gave me instruction book on how to dress and accessorize myself!"

2. I will have to wear color all the time. 

As a culture we are afraid of color.  We don't want to stand out especially when we are not certain which colors suit us.  There are also days when we don't feel like wearing colorful clothing.  That's ok!  One of the most helpful aspects to a personal color analysis is that it also identify's the neutrals - the grays, white, browns, tans, blacks, navy, metallics and other basic colors that are the building block pieces for a wardrobe.  A closet filled with the right neutrals is better than a closet filled with the wrong colors.  At least 25% of my closet is shirts, pants, skirts, shoes, jackets in my Light Summer taupe, gray and white.  I wear them more than any one color in my closet. 

"I found the information on what neutrals to wear one of the most helpful aspects of the color analysis.  It was like getting permission to not be "on" all the time but not look drab while I am not dressing in color either." 

3. I will be told I can't wear black or another favorite color.

Black is a color that harmonizes with a large percentage of the population's natural coloring.  And for many people it is a huge asset in their wardrobe.  When it harmonizes with your natural coloring it is flattering and should be embraced.  When it doesn't harmonize it can bring you down emotionally and make you look tired, dull, drab and out of balance with you. Depending on the results of the consultation, black will be incorporated or a strategy for adding alternatives will be formulated. 

"Yesterday, I wore an outfit that has always been in my closet, but I never previously thought to put the clothes/items together in that way Rather than my Cool Summer essence "limiting" me, it actually expanded my clothing selections."

4. I will have to spend a fortune to create a whole new wardrobe.

This is always the biggest fear a partner has when their mate is off for a color analysis.  In reality, the realization comes quickly that we spend less when shopping, we like the things we own better so are less likely to keep going out shopping hoping to fix closet issues and we can create so many more outfits when the closet is coordinated that the savings start to add up quickly.  

"I just wanted to tell you how much money I am saving by not buying just anything.  You have really made me stop and think before I buy."   

5. Getting my colors done will limit my choices.

People usually are shocked by how the color analysis expands their options rather than being more limiting.  Most of us are aware of at least one or two colors that we know we look good in but we have no idea that there are ranges of nearly all basic colors that look amazing too.  Even those people who tell me in the midst of the consultation that they would never wear a particular color will come back months down the road and tell me they tried it and now actually love wearing green, or purple, or the scariest color of all, yellow! 

"Through your inspiration, I already made a run to a local consignment shop and bought several tops in colors I never would have considered.  I am amazingly happy!"  

6. A personal color analysis is only for those who are into fashion and shopping.  

This is a huge myth.  My most loyal and dedicated clients are those who really aren't interested in fashion and find shopping cumbersome and overwhelming.  These people find the simplicity and the structure of working with a seasonal color palette seamless and reassuring.  They enjoy shopping more and don't feel ashamed of their natural comfy style or their lack of interest in trends.  They now enjoy getting dressed every day without the lack of confidence.  

"Everyone needs to hear about this - especially guys - because we don't think too deep about it and believe me, some of us really need some help!  Thank you!” 

7. I will need to start dressing like friends or fashion models. 

Each client is unique.  While their coloring may fall within one of the 12 seasonal tones, there is variety in the coloring and each persons personality, lifestyle and budget will mean that they will utilize the colors differently.  A personal color analysis consultation at Indigo Tones is very comprehensive and takes into consideration all of those factors.  The goal is to reveal to the client as much about who they are and their authentic qualities so that it becomes easier to avoid trends, one size fits all strategies and bad advice from anyone who encourages you to be anyone other than yourself.  

"It was life changing. I remember leaving your studio and  feeling a bit dazed at the thought of not wearing black. Now I have a closet full of light summer colors to work with. It’s helped me dress more age appropriate, and I don’t have to try so hard to look good."

8.  I will be told that I have been wearing all the wrong colors for years.

Yes, we do learn in a personal color analysis that many of the colors we previously wore didn't work but a color consultation is about the future.  How exciting to find something new and fresh that will bring us closer to understanding ourselves.  There are so few opportunities in life that a simple, natural, a one time investment that lasts a lifetime.  And life starts in the present moment! 

"I should have flown to Rochester, NY to see you years ago!"


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Also in Living in Color

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Colorful Lives, Soft Summer Valerie Peterson

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