Nature is the source of all true color. In her harmonies are supreme beauty and artistry. Each flower's stem displays just the right match of greens. Each animal's fur sports its own sublime tonal gradations.
Margie Deeb, Beader’s Guide to ColorA personal color analysis at Indigo Tones identifies a range of colors that harmonize with a person’s natural color utilizing two color theories combined: Albert Munsell’s Theory of Color and the Seasonal Color Theory of the Impressionist painters.
Albert Munsell, artist and teacher, created the Munsell color wheel for artists that is the global standard for organizing color harmony. It indicates colors that are true to nature based on these 3 dimensions: Value - the lightness or darkness of a color; Hue - the amount of warmth or coolness of a color; Intensity - the brightness or dullness of a color
The Impressionist painters of the 19th Century were great observers of nature. They came to understand the unique color tones associated with each season. In Spring radiant colors burst forth everywhere. In Autumn, the tones fade and become muted. Still everything appears in perfect balance and harmony.
Nature leaves nothing to chance. Just as the colors of each season are perfectly balanced, nature gives us hair color, eye color, and skin tone in perfect harmony. When we surround ourselves with color from clothing, cosmetics, hair tint or accessories we can either heighten that harmony, or create disharmony.
A personal color analysis will lead to one seasonal tone that has a range of colors that are perfectly balanced with your coloring.
"Seeing" harmony from color is very much like "hearing" harmony from music. Music is pleasing to the ear when instruments and vocals blend in perfect harmony. A song sound right when we hardly know where one aspect begins and another ends. Similarly, colors look right when they are in harmony with our natural coloring. They create a radiance that is pleasing to the eye. The skin appears smoother, eyes will "pop" or take on the color of what we are wearing. Fine lines, wrinkles and splotches will be diminished. The person and colors appear as a unified "whole".
Discord is created when a person's color choices are not in harmony with their natural coloring. It is like listening to someone singing off-key. It is not pleasant. You can actually "see" disharmony when a person does not wear the right colors. These colors draw attention away from the face and drain it of life. The skin tone appears blotchy and the overall affect is displeasong. Personal color analysis provides the tools to understand how best to enhance the natural coloring.
Nature is the source of all true color. In her harmonies are supreme beauty and artistry. Each flower's stem displays just the right match of greens. Each animal's fur sports its own sublime tonal gradations.
Margie Deeb, Beader’s Guide to ColorChanging the value, hue or intensity of a color can completely change our reaction to it. Too many unrelated colors will spoil the harmony. Pretty colors randomly placed often result in a chaotic look that won’t support the subject.
Margaret Kessler, Color Harmony in your Paintings