Travel Personal Color Analysis Studio

Personal Color Analyst Kerry Jones with the Indigo Tones Travel Studio 

I have loved traveling around the country this past year meeting new color analysis enthusiasts, leading educational seminars and training. I am taking requests as I plan the rest my 2023 travels. 

Please share with anyone who might be interested in a color analysis. Appointments are available for individuals and groups but priority will be for larger groups.

Appointments are available for individuals and groups but priority will be for groups of 3 or more. A group color analysis session is highly recommended for it’s value.  The attendees learn so much, walk away with a greater understanding of their seasons and it is so much fun too!

The value in the group color analysis session was incredible!"

Consultations will be at a location in your area, your space or the travel van studio depending on the size of the group.

I often travel to other cities - Boston, Chicago, Florida and Los Angeles and I would also love to come to your city or on the way! Be sure to follow @indigotones on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube to share in the adventures!


Upcoming Travel for 2024

San Francisco: Fall 2024

New York City: Fall 2024


Book a Consultation!