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Colorful Lives, Light Spring Erica Cummings

May 03, 2021 4 min read

Light Spring Erica Cummings Indigo Tones Colorful Lives Blog

It is a pleasure to introduce Light Spring, Erica Cummings. Erica completely shifted the way I perceived financial confidence when I attended her workshop Financial Empowerment for Women a few years ago. Women often approach their finances the same lack of confidence that they approach their appearance, deferring to others and assuming they aren’t good enough.  Erica educates, empowers and inspires women to seek balance in their financial, physical, and emotional lives with the same enthusiasm and tenacity I strive to achieve in helping my clients manage and invest wisely in their personal image with a personal color analysis consultation.  Her specialty is in strengthening the relationship between women’s financial and overall well-being by building holistic plans for their financial future. 

My passion is helping women find harmony, balance, and success in their lives. I tell women to put their own oxygen masks on first and find time to recharge their batteries. Little did I know that how much I needed to practice what I preached.

Kerry and I met at one of my financial literacy workshops. I thought her business was interesting but saw the services as a luxury. I knew I deserved it, but it was on a long list of things I thought I deserved. Then my friend and colleague mentioned she had a color analysis consultation at Indigo Tones. I did not delve into specifics at first but little by little over time, I would see her walk in the office looking amazing. Not only were her outfits beautiful, her hair color and makeup were striking. After telling her several times, “you look great”, she shared more about her experience and that she would never have thought to wear the bold colors and pretty patterns that suite her if it weren’t for Kerry.

I have worked in the corporate world for twenty years. Think black, navy, gray and stuffy! That same color scheme was mimicked in my evening wear, casual wear, loungewear…basically every “wear”! I was intrigued by how bolder colors and non-conservative styles could look great but still be professional. l booked an appointment, still a bit skeptical as I thought I knew enough about myself.   

I wish I could do it justice by describing the experience on paper, but you really need to feel it in person. I arrived for the consult in my typical multi-shade of grey tank and sweater, and we took the initial pictures. Kerry is dynamic, fun, and exceptionally knowledgeable. I had no idea of this world that she so passionately loves. She draped me with fabrics of every shade of every color, all while teaching me how much this affects how you show up in life, how you feel about yourself, and how it creates harmony and flow from head to toe. After seeing clearly that I was a Light Spring, we took several after pictures in the new colors. I was still not completely convinced to donate my black sweaters until I saw the those. The after pictures were nothing short of astonishing. I had lost years on my face, without makeup! I literally looked brighter, felt lighter, and something clicked. 

I never knew color and fabric could make such a difference. The swatch book was a game changer for all future purchases. I purposefully spoke little about my experience with my husband. I began adding pieces from my palette, and the compliments came rolling in. That alone was wonderful, but the biggest surprise was how I felt when I saw myself in pictures. I looked so amazing that I knew I could never go back to drab corporate colors and styles.   

The statement, “I look so amazing”, is not one that many women ever say about themselves. I feel so much more confident and comfortable in my clothes. I enjoy shopping, no matter what size I am, and my closet looks like it is literally blooming. I don’t need to be in a fitted, uncomfortable suit to look professional. Black is not always slimming, and color can light up a room. This was an investment in me, and now I can be an example to my teenage daughter, my coworkers and clients on how a super woman can look best by being herself.

We live in a society where the pressure to look young and skinny is everywhere. Women (and men) spend thousands of dollars on cosmetic procedures, fad diets, and serums to keep up with social media and photoshopped images. The time I spent with Kerry was a better investment and more effective and uplifting than any of those. Kerry changed my world with her color analysis. I cannot say enough about my experience, both personally and professionally. I am wearing colors and fabrics that I never would have chosen in the past, and compliments abound. More importantly, I feel like a different person. That is her gift. She empowers women to feel like the confident version of themselves. Kerry is a Rockstar!

Erica Cummings is a Financial Advisor and founder of the Harmony Wellness Group at RBC Wealth Management and hosts the podcast series, “A Strong Woman for Strong Women”.

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