Colorful Lives, Bright Winter Gail Ferraioli

February 14, 2020 3 min read

Colorful Lives, Bright Winter Gail Ferraioli

It is a pleasure to introduceRelationship Specialist, Gail Ferraioli, Founder of Clarity Mediations in Rochester, NY.  Gail is a Bright Winter and one of the first clients I analyzed when I opened my personal color analysis studio many years ago. She has continued to check in, stop by, reevaluate her closet and bring me a ray of positivity and genuine light with each interaction.  Gail's brightness is reflected in her personality, writing and chosen profession! 

"Contemplations on Color and Clarity"

I remember as a child thinking about how each person sees colors uniquely. The experience of color is part of our genetic, historical, and emotional make-up and reflects our focus in any given moment. This understanding was heightened a few years ago when I began experimenting with pastels in an art class. Suddenly, every landscape I walked though or rode by took on new dimensions of shade and light, background and foreground, texture and outline, deepening my experience of color as infinitely multi-facetted - which made real for me even the possibility of “hearing” colors.

Kerry, in her unique focus on color, lends an attentiveness to her clients that allow them (myself included!) to experience the many dimensions of color as she kindly listens to her clients and hears how they respond to the ones that call to them. In opening her studio, passion and expertise, Kerry warmly and with affirming spirit, encourages her clients to open to their own inner array of colors. In my private practice, Clarity Mediations, I guide the healing of relationships of couples, of families, and of the conflicts within individuals.

Through many modalities in which I was trained, including mindfulness, meditation, therapy, mediation, non-violent communication, restorative justice and peace circles, I support each person to hear the “still small voice within”, to see their true colors, to accept their own lightness and darkness, and to understand that how they see may be very different from how others see - and see them or issues between them. In the safe space of my office, people discover the inner landscapes of their partners and accept the uniqueness of their colors – the expressions of their personal palette, that are also influenced by the unique interplay of their genetics, history, emotions, health and attention.

When people sincerely endeavor to resolve the conflicts in their own soul, they are able to transform their relationships with their partners, their families, non-related significant individuals in their life, their faith and other communities, and even their relationship with the world. I am privileged to work with so many people who are willing to explore the depths of their being and the space between them and others. Their transformational acceptance and embrace of the spectrum of colors within, between and around them becomes a powerful force for good, for grace and for gratitude. I am grateful to Kerry for sharing her talents in a way that highlighted my personal color preferences and opened my acceptance of colors that reflects other aspects of my personality – letting me “own” them too, with the kind of compassion that I help others direct toward themselves.

My practice is one of healing and deepening of people’s awareness, of their growth and journey of acceptance of self and others through life and love – which together encompass all colors - distinct and blended - all variances of light and shadows. It is a process that is intrapersonal, transpersonal, transformative and transcendent. By guiding people with compassion to listen, reflect and suspend judgment of themselves and others, they learn to see a clear way to live with deeper inner peace, and connection to others and the world. Through different fields with similar vision, Kerry and I bring “Clarity” to that intricate and colorful journey.

For over 30 years, Gail Ferraioli has empowered and encouraged adults, families and children to optimize their interpersonal skills and self-understanding to promote an inner sense of well-being, healthy communication and harmonious relationships. Gail works toward peace and wholeness with a vision of the Oneness that allows us to recognize our similarities and to transcend self, and of the Honoring that respects individuality. We are rooted in relationship. Gail believes it is through understanding both our autonomous and mutual aspects that reciprocity and harmony are achieved.

To learn more, call 585-421-0518 or email

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Also in Living in Color

Bright Winter Bianca Calascibetta with her swatch book
Colorful Lives, Bright Winter Bianca Calascibetta

January 28, 2025 7 min read

It is a thrill to introduce you to Bright Winter, Bianca Calascibetta founder of UCO,a creative marketing firm.When she enthusiastically called me to schedule a color analysis after seeing another client of mine looking pulled together,  I knew I had to get her in for a consultation asap. Her excitement was infectious and it only increased when she saw herself in her colors and out of the drab bronzers and muddy cosmetics she had been wearing.  Her BRIGHT personality and dramatic but romantic style suited the bold, saturated colors.  When I had the pleasure of helping her edit her closet, I could see that she was used to toning herself down with dull colors so that she didn't stand out. How refreshing to see her in colors and styles that suit her personality and coloring. The affect is harmonious and draws you in.  Learn more about her experience and unique insights in this month's blog.

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Colorful Lives, Dark Winter Gia Pauldine
Colorful Lives, Dark Winter Gia Pauldine

December 03, 2023 7 min read

It is my pleasure to introduce you to this month’s Dark Winter feature, eyebrow, skincare and permanent hair removal expert, Gia Pauldine. Gia was one of my first clients when I started my color analysis business nearly 20 years ago. It was around that time that she also founded her business, Restoration Electrolysis, LLC

Gia was easy to analyze. Her deep brown hair worked well with black and dark brown neutrals that were then and still are so easy to shop for.  A few pops of rich reds, deep greens and purples and she was good to go for many years.  When she decided to go gray more recently and wondered how to incorporate it with her clothing choices, we had the pleasure of reconnecting and working on her wardrobe and closet. I was amazed at how gorgeous her skin looked and she introduced me to some of the skin revitalization services she offers now including light therapy. Learn more about her unique, wholistic eyebrow makeovers and skincare maintenance to the process she went through in letting her hair go naturally from a dark brown to a multi-hued gray and how it impacted her clothing choices. 

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Personal Color Analyst Kerry Jones with Son, Soft Autumn Tim Stich
Colorful Lives, Soft Autumn Tim Stich

September 07, 2023 6 min read

It’s a treat to introduce you to this month's colorful lives feature, Soft Autumn Tim Stich who is also my son!! Tim’s experience with shopping for clothing and wearing color is unique as I become a color analyst when he was quite young. When he and his sister Clare were little, I tried dressing them in bright colors with strong patterns as was the style then.....but even before learning about personal color harmony,  I started to sense that the clothes overwhelmed them and began dressing them in softer colors and solids. I was even shocked the other day to discover when I pulled out his school photos that every single photo (even before I learned of his color palette) was taken in a Soft Autumn color. You can see how his life has evolved wearing the soft, earthy colors that suit his ruddy hair, freckles and soft blue/green eyes.  

Over the years, he has mostly been very eager to wear what suits him and looked to me to help him distinguish soft autumn colors from the two seasons nearby - warm autumn and soft summer.  We enjoy shopping together, especially now that he lives in Manhattan and the shopping is abundant. It can be a challenge to find his colors in sizes and style that fit but when its perfect, it feels great and he knows it.  Read on to learn more about what it’s like to be a guy whose mom is a color consultant!

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