I think most people have an idea of a few colors that they know look good and they are drawn to. The personal color analysis identifies not only those colors, but a whole range of colors in every shade. Most clients feel a connection to their colors when they see the swatch book for the first time, and are not aware that there are so many colors that work for them! The PCA usually expands their choices rather than being constrictive.

I don’t like to tell anyone they can’t do anything! Personal color analysis is ultimately a freeing experience rather than a limiting one. Black is actually an asset for many of my clients and less so for others. There are many misperceptions about black – “it makes me look thinner”, “it goes with everything”, etc. However, black does not harmonize with many other colors and can actually make certain body shapes look larger rather than thinner. The color analysis will include strategies for incorporating black into a wardrobe depending on the clients preferences.

Having natural color on your face from regular exposure to sun does not affect the outcome of a personal color analysis. However, if you have a deep tan from a tanning salon or self-tanning products, I prefer that you wait a week or two before doing a color analysis. Our harmonious colors don’t change when you have a tan, but you may find you will be more interested in wearing certain colors when you have a tan and others when you don’t.

I’m just starting to see that an individual might look different as they age but the seasonal tone harmonies are not changing. The seasonal tone might not change, but you may wear different colors within the palette for best results. I suspect that the reason some are finding that their season has changed is due to the fact that most of clients who had their colors analyzed several decades ago were analyzed with the more limited 4 season system. Although the 12 season system become the standard there is still too much inconsistency in the way people understand the seasonal tone harmonies.

Color analysis can be beneficial to men and women of every age, but because so much is changing and evolving during the adolescent years, I prefer to wait until a young person is in his/her teens.

This question is asked of me nearly every time I meet someone new and they find out that I am a color analyst! During a color analysis you will see that there are thousands of colors in our natural world and a shade or two off can make all the difference. While you may look lovely in a color, we can find a shade that is just a bit brighter or just a bit darker that looks so much better than the first. So, it’s nearly impossible to be sure if a color is the best color for you without a color analysis.

Yes! While women seem more likely to come in for a color analysis, men should be equally interested in knowing what colors work for them. Men of all professions can benefit, but especially those in management, sales, teaching, or any profession that requires speaking, leadership, selling etc.

I prefer to do groups because it can be so much fun and more educational. It doesn’t take that much more time as it’s done as a group experience, a class. Because of the detailed and thorough way a color analysis is done, an ideal group is 2-3 people. A group of 3 should plan on at least 3 hours for the entire session. Groups of 2 or more will be offered a discounted rate on the cost of the color analysis.

A personal color analysis $375. Discount pricing of $325/person is offered for groups of 2 or more. A group experience is very rich and attendees learn so much from seeing the draping on others and experiencing the educational portion of the consultation together.

The color analysis is one of the best investments you’ll ever make. It is the equivalent of a couple of hair color appointments, one massage, two sweaters that might sit in your closet unworn…….etc. The personal color swatch book valued at $150 is included in your analysis, as well as a hair color consultation, a cosmetics consultation, and a personality style consultation. Wearing the colors that harmonize with your coloring means that you will need fewer clothes, fewer cosmetics, and will save time and money by only shopping for what works for you. Indigo Tones accepts all forms of payment: credit, cash, check, venmo, paypal.

Sun protection is a natural gift of mineral powders. Mineral products range from an SPF of 17 to 24 depending on the method of application. Micronized titanium dioxide reflects ultraviolet rays from the skin while micronized zinc oxide absorbs light, shielding the skin from the suns harmful rays. Iron oxide in combination with zinc oxide enhances the effectiveness of zinc oxide's sun protection abilities, boosting the SPF factor even higher. Many plastic surgeons and dermatologists look to mineral makeup for sun protection because minerals protect (and do not irritate) the skin. Mineral powders give essential protection without the risk of an adverse reaction. Additionally, mineral powders are extremely water resistant making them an ideal product for humid climates and active lifestyles.

Yes Indigo Tones Cosmetics products are paraben Free. Know that words like "natural" and "organic" does not mean paraben-free. Parabens have been replaced with ingredients like grapefruit seed extract and Vitamin E in many cosmetics and essential oils like cinnamon, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon and tea tree are being distilled and turned into natural preservatives.

The minerals are talc-free, bismuth oxychloride-free, fragrance-free, dye-free and non-comedogenic. They provide long-lasting coverage with a lightweight, natural look and feel. Their exceptional adherence and crease resistance will keep makeup looking fresh all day.

Indigo Tones do not contain, nor are manufactured with gluten (wheat, barley, rye, or oats).

Indigo Tones is committed to creating cosmetic products of the finest quality. To that end, our products are made from naturally derived ingredients with a long history of safe use. Prior to our uses of them, many of our ingredients have already been thoroughly tested for safety and are present on the FDA's list of "generally recognized as safe" substances (the GRAS list). Our products are not tested on animals. When it is necessary to test new ingredients, we utilize in vitro testing protocols, which have been, and continue to be, developed as alternatives to the standard animal models. In vitro ("in glass") means that tests are performed in a laboratory simulation and not on living subjects. Additionally, we have had customers and employees test products for us after preliminary in vitro tests on these products have confirmed their safety.

Most of the products are vegan friendly.

Indigo Tones takes pride in its high quality cosmetic formulations. Preservatives play an essential part in maintaining the integrity of these formulations. We utilize a "broad-spectrum" preservative system to protect against oxidation as well as contamination. Preservatives will always be necessary in any product that contains water. Water is highly attractive to microorganism growth and requires a preservative to ensure that it remains safe to use. Additionally, environmental contamination can be introduced to cosmetic products in many ways including makeup brushes, storage methods and storage locations, just to name a few. Even products made in a pristine manufacturing environment can become a health risk when they are exposed to the yeast, mold and bacteria common in the home environment if they have not been properly preserved. Lastly, preservatives increase the product shelf life to a reasonable expectancy. There is a natural botanical extract that has broad spectrum antimicrobial properties. It exhibits rapid, microbicidal activity against gram-negative, as well as gram-positive bacteria, yeasts, and molds. This preservative is used in all Indigo Tones cosmetics products.